Nwo Souled Out 1997 Ppv Review From 1997
nwo souled out 1997 ppv review from 1997

nwo souled out 1997 ppv review from 1997

Nwo Souled Out 1997 Ppv Review From 1997 Full Access To

Yet the disastrous, laughable finish to that match would serve as the catalyst for the companys gradual decline.Live from Cedar Rapids, IA, drawing 5800. I know Rumble 97 won the poll, but as the man once put it…Bryan & Vinny review the great nWo PPV 'Souled Out'If you like what you hear, consider signing up on Members have full access to thousan.In December 1997, they promoted Starrcade 1997, headlined by a match between Hogan and Sting which had been a year in the making and which still gets talked about today as one of the most perfect examples of long-term booking ever carried out in pro wrestling. 25 th January 1997: WCW Souled Out 1997: Cedar Rapids, IA 5,120 sellout (68,209 live gate) (38,000 merchandise sales) Masa Chono beat Chris Jericho Big Bubba Rogers overturned Hugh Morrus in a Mexican Death match Jeff Jarrett pinned Michael Wallstreet Marcus Bagwell dropped Scotty Riggs Scott Norton downed Diamond Dallas Page by count-out The Steiners. Starrcade 1997: WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match.NWO Souled Out, what came off to outsiders as the brainchild of someone intoxicated by his own success to the point of all perspective being lost, was the.The SmarK Rant for nWo Souled Out 1997 – 01.25.97WCW PPV RESULTS 1997.

I mean, only 48,000 paid? Talk about a flea market promotion. Bischoff makes fun of the WWF for “giving away tickets at a local 7-11 to get people to come”, but the Rumble still had 10 times as many people in the building as this show did. Nick Patrick, who was half-assed going back to being a normal referee in the weeks leading up to this, is now decked out in full nWo gear and calling it for the heels. Chono, oddly, has the honor of being involved in two of the worst WCW PPVs ever, this one and Havoc 92. In the tag title match, Patrick was knocked out, and Randy Anderson ran in to give WCW one of its only wins on the PPV when the Steiner Brothers beat The Outsiders.Your hosts are Eric Bischoff & Ted DibiaseNot surprisingly, the Observer review of this one was pretty scathing, with Dave calling it the worst PPV in the history of wrestling.The following PPV is brought to you by the New World Order.The atmosphere is immediately bizarre and off-putting with all-black color scheme and a deliberately low-rent production style.So the nWo announcer does the actual ring announcements, sarcastically burying the WCW babyfaces, who get no music. But keeping in mind that they were coming off their biggest success ever in Starrcade 96, this whole deal comes off as ego and arrogance to the nth degree.Then, the nWo had their own PPV in 1997 called Souled Out, where they cheated to make sure they won all their matches.

So in fact they became a backwards rebel crowd by acting like a normal crowd.Jericho makes a comeback with an enzuigiri. See, this was another colossal fuckup by WCW, as the show was the only one in history DESIGNED to have a heel crowd who would turn on the babyfaces, and instead this was just a normal crowd who cheered for them. Jericho comes back with a leg lariat and hits a dive to the outside, which the crowd pops for.

Chono with the drop sleeper for two and he goes up with a horrible shouderblock, then hits an atomic drop and retrieves a table. Jericho with a german suplex as Patrick ignores the count, and BOY I hope you’re looking forward to more of THAT spot tonight because there’s a lot of it. “Very good, you know what country you reside in” quips Bischoff sarcastically. Chono tries for the STF and Jericho makes the ropes while the crowd chants “USA” for the guy from Canada.

Big BubbaFor those keeping track, this is where the show gets REALLY horrible. **1/4Also, I hope you enjoy the nWo themes, because you’ll be hearing them a lot tonight as well.Bischoff and Dibiase show some photos of potential Miss nWo girls, which somehow kills whatever small amount of momentum this show had.Jeff Katz, doing a Bischoff impression, interviews some Miss nWo pageant women, throwing out softball questions in hopes of getting dirty responses, and they can’t even do that gag right.Mexican death match: Hugh Morrus v. Jericho was trying SOOOOO hard here, but it was sloppy as hell and they couldn’t overcome everything working against it. Back to the top, but Chono puts him down with a mafia kick, and Jericho bumps through the table and finishes with another mafia kick at 11:10.

nwo souled out 1997 ppv review from 1997

Bubba wins at 8:55 by way of vehicular homicide. Which the announcers then laugh about and treat as a comedy spot. And then, just in case you’re thinking they couldn’t come up with a finish stupider than the match, they head to the floor and Bubba literally RUNS HIM OVER WITH A MOTORCYCLE. NICK PATRICK IS A BIASED REF, we get it. I mean, we had the one joke that the match needed at the 3:00 mark and now it’s just going and going.

Jarrett chokes away, but misses a charge due to referee interference and Wallstreet puts him on the floor with a clothesline. Jarrett quickly goes up with a flying bodypress for two, but SURPRISE, it’s a slow count from Patrick. I should also mention the eventual fate of Jeff, as he did a Kickstarter campaign for a phantom wrestling promotion and then walked away with everyone’s money.The announcer actually calls Jarrett “Double J”, which probably should have been an immediate cease-and-desist letter right there. DUDMore with Jeff Katz, who is still milking this stupid gag and hoping for someone to bite on his dumb questions.

So Mongo comes out, blasts him with the briefcase, and forces Patrick to count the pin at 9:25. The match just drags on and ON as they continue doing stuff well past the point when they should just have wrapped it up, and finally we get the big spot of Wallstreet doing an abdominal stretch. So now Debra and Mongo head down to the ringside area while Wallstreet gets his usual chinlock. They trade sleepers and Patrick allows Wallstreet to take over again.

Buff stalls for a bit and grabs a headlock as we cut to the nausea-inducing fish-eye camera angle from above. I will say, this was the point where Bagwell finally seemed to “get it” after 6 years as a pro and found his character. Also, Buff Bagwell’s deal improved a million percent once they added “Buff Daddy” to his entrance. ½*More with Jeff Katz, as the joke falls flatter and flatter every time.Riggs coming out with no music and no crowd reaction may be the saddest thing ever.

Even Marty Jannetty looked like he gave a shit for a couple of weeks after Shawn put him through the window! And he was so high for most of 1993 that he didn’t even know his own zip code!Bagwell drops an elbow and pounds away as this is going NOWHERE, like Riggs’ career, and he cuts off a comeback with a powerbomb for two. It’s just “Well, we’re doing a wrestling match, I guess.” The phantom announcer randomly calls him a loser and I’m hard-pressed to disagree. Riggs back in with a double axehandle for two, showing absolutely no fire or anger for the guy who just betrayed him and turned to join the enemy. Seriously, fuckers, I just ate lunch. Riggs gets a belly to belly, but Bagwell dumps him and it’s back to the vomit-cam.

Insanely long and boring for what should have been a 3:00 squash, but that goes for a lot of stuff on this show. Riggs fights back one more time, but the new BUFF BLOCKBUSTER finishes at 13:50. The crowd chants “Bagwell sucks”, which Bischoff spins as “The crowd showing their support” in another minorly funny bit that would be minorly funny in a smaller dose on a different show, but everything here is just falling flat or getting killed by endless repetition, like when Bischoff was yelling “GO GET YOUR SCISSORS, SID!” years later in a desperate attempt to seem hip. And we hit the chinlock as they just don’t know when to wrap it up.Yeah, I wish I had that button too, Huck.

Page makes a comeback with a flying clothesline for two as we cut back and forth to the Queazy-Cam™ before the nWo B-Team heads out to recruit him. Nobody cares about Scott Norton. Norton beats on him out there for a bit while Bischoff tells a boring story about bringing Norton into the sport after seeing him work as a “doorman” at a bar in Minnesota. So now Sting heads out to the balcony to draw attention away from the match while Page bumps to the floor. Page works the arm to start and takes him down with a headlock, but Norton clotheslines him to take over.

Page of course pretends to accept, dons the shirt, and then turns on them and lays Norton out with a Diamond Cutter before running away for the countout loss at, whatever, call it 10:00.

nwo souled out 1997 ppv review from 1997